2024 Line Up
We’ve curated a unique mix of talks, workshops and meaningful experiences for you to feel inspired, build your knowledge and find new business soul mates.
This year’s speakers include Satish Kumar (Schumacher College), Andy Chaleff (The Last Letter) and Liana Fricker (The Inspiration Space). We can’t wait for you to experience what we’ve got planned.
This year’s theme is Human Imagination – we’ll be exploring what makes us uniquely human in a post-AI world and how we can imagine futures that bring about more meaning, connection and wholeness through our work and lives.
“I came to Summercamp feeling intimidated and insecure in the company of so much brilliance, drive and passion. I left feeling more confident and resolute than ever.”
Satish Kumar
Satish Kumar is the founder of Schumacher College in the UK. A former Jain monk, Satish went on an international pilgrimage for peace. He, with a friend, walked 8000 miles from New Delhi to Moscow, Paris, London and Washington. Along the way he met Bertrand Russell and Martin Luther King. Satish is the author of ten books and is a lifelong activist in the cause of environmental sustainability, social justice and world peace, and is founder of the Resurgence Trust and Editor Emeritus of Resurgence & Ecologist magazine. Satish will be talking about what nature can teach us, and how we can harness and heal the planet and ourselves.
Kate Valentine
Kate started Singing Mamas by accident and it’s now a global community, advocating arts for health. She's now affecting policy change and working very closely with the NHS on social prescription and creative health. From working with and empowering grassroots communities to developing programs for healthcare professionals. Kate’s story is of resilience, growth, and her unwavering vision driving the movement forward.
Ade Larigo
Ade’s journey from childhood trauma to social work has fuelled her commitment to reforming the UK's adoption and fostering system. Her experiences as a teenager moving to the UK from Nigeria shaped her passion for diversity and inclusivity, leading to the creation of Agency Connection. Recognising the need for more representation, she built a platform challenging the norm. Ade focuses on amplifying the voices of black children in care and her impactful work has earned her nationwide recognition.
Dr David Luke
Dr David Luke is a Professor of Psychology and a mycologist whose research includes altered states of consciousness, often using psychedelics to make discoveries about neuroscience, meditation, and creative thinking. But you don't need to take drugs to nudge your brain out of your habitual thinking patterns. You can feel more creative, less inhibited, and more connected to yourself, others, and the natural world. You just need to know how your mind works.
Dan Woodward
Summercamp favourite, Dan Woodward is here to tell a story about masks, and how he has used them for protection and to function in a neurotypical world. The masks offered safety, but Dan had to use them so often that he forgot who he was underneath. Then he realised that he had developed a skill and had a choice of how to use it. We all create versions of ourselves that change over time, and when these stop being helpful we can invite a version that gives us, and others, permission to live more authentically.
Andy Chaleff
Andy Chaleff is a multiple-award-winning author known for his ability to explore the depths of the human experience through captivating storytelling. Andy’s work is helping people to heal and transform through the power of radical self-love. When he was 18, his mother was killed by a drunk driver and his life's journey has been learning to embrace the devastation of that pain. In this talk, Andy will be talking about relationship dynamics in a unique way, on an A4 piece of paper. Giving people an experience they can hold on to.
Iesha Small
Iesha Small will share her inspiring journey from maths teacher to career-change champion a squiggly career path that has continually reshaped to align with her personal goals and values. Hear about the challenges of leaving secure positions, the fear and uncertainty that come with each pivot, and the strategies that helped her navigate these changes successfully. Iesha isn’t just about making bold moves; she's about making smart, strategic decisions that lead to personal freedom and fulfilment.
Beccie D’Cunha
Healing conflict starts within
With everything going on in the world right now – including conflicts in the Middle East, Ukraine and elsewhere – it can feel like a peaceful world is out of our hands. Beccie is a campaigner turned mediator, coach and now founder of Courage Lab, whose peace activism in Palestine and Israel forced her to confront the violence in herself. She challenges us to mirror the change we want to see in the world, through how we show up in everyday conflict. Beccie will be sharing stories from her 20 years of deep conflict work as well as practical tools for transforming conflict from the inside out.
Charles Davies
One of life’s big thinkers, Charles Davies is a coach, mentor and creative consultant. He has been teaching people how to be clear for the last 15 years. He has been an ever-present at Summercamp since 2014, bringing his unique gift for building clarity and connection in various forms. Along with his good friend Floris, Charles will bring a sense of play to our opening ceremony and across the entire weekend.
Sanderson Jones
Sanderson Jones IS Summercamp, having been MC at every camp since 2014. After years as a comedian and a performer, the bearded funny man has since co-founded Sunday Assembly – in his words ‘church without the God bits’ – and more recently The Lifefulness Project, a practice of adapting the congregational community in a way that is secular, inclusive and evidence-based. There is only one Sanderson – larger than life, hilarious and open-hearted.
Floris Koot
Floris is in his own words a change wizard, play engineer, social inventor and gentle revolutionary. In 2010 he founded Knowmads, an alternative business school based in Amsterdam and has been a regular contributor at Summercamp since the early days. We love Floris for his wisdom, wit and sense of mischievousness. Our guess is that by the end of the weekend you will too.
20 transformational workshops across 5 different tents spread over the 3 days:
✷ The Purpose Pod ✷
✷ Launch Lab ✷
✷ Money Marquee ✷
✷ Tribe Tipi ✷
✷ Soul Café ✷
Read on to learn more about each learning zone.
“I had no idea how frickin’ powerful it is being with 150 people who live their lives from a place of love, joy and connection. And that it would help me crystallise my ‘why’. ”
The Purpose Pod
A deeper dive into what’s calling you… and what might be in your way
Satish Kumar
We need to solve social problems with imagination, compassion, creativity and forgiveness. All problems can be solved by negotiation, friendship, giving in, letting go of ego and going into eco. Let us make a shift from from self-interest to mutual-interest of whole human society. If we can have a holistic view of soil, soul and society, if we can understand the interdependence of all living beings, and understand that all living creatures – from trees to worms to humans – depend on each other, then we can live in harmony with ourselves, with other people and with nature.
Jobbe Holtes & Svetlana Kim
The word ‘liminal’ comes from the Latin word limen, which means threshold. We will face many threshold moments in our lives, and yet we constantly fear the unknown. In this immersive workshop, Jobbe and Svetlana will explore what might happen if we could get more comfortable in the liminal space. Embracing a more creative and embodied sense of being, inviting spaciousness and understanding for your next threshold moments whenever they might arise.
Lana Jelenjev
In this workshop Lana Jelenjev, community weaver and Vision 20/20 mentor, will lead a “parts party” inspired by the work of Virginia Satir. She will invite us to look inside and reflect on all of the parts that compromise the self that may be developed, undeveloped, known and unknown. Through guided prompts you will explore the different parts and create space for listening, acknowledging, and integrating these. Lana will support you in inviting different roles or aspects of your personality together to promote deeper recognition of ourselves and reconnect with our integrated, congruent, and authentic selves.
Floris Koot
Most people think magic is weird, unreal and for fairytales. It is not. Magic is within your reach. In fact it’s very real and very common. Floris Koot is living proof that miracles happen when we create space within ourselves and in the world. Improving our own life (and that of many others) might be less hard work and more fun than we ever imagined. Floris will share ideas to help you unlock that magic for yourself and others.
Launch Lab
Where new ideas are born, old ideas are connected, and serendipity engineered.
Laurence McCahill and Carlos Saba
A rare opportunity to learn from the founders of The Happy Startup School as they help you to reignite your passion for work and align it with what truly matters to you. Discover how to move from an outside-in approach; driven by the needs of others – to the inside-out; where your own excitement and values drive your work. Recalibrate your business or career to focus on what truly energises you, and learn how to sustain that energy over the long-term.
Liana Fricker
LEARN HOW TO stop the Frenemies in your head
Learn how to recognise and control the Frenemies in your head who keep you on the hamster wheel with the myth of "I'll be happy when...''. The muscles that are inside your mind may not be visible, yet they have a profound impact on your ability to achieve happiness and success. So join Liana in her pop-up mental fitness gym and build the mental muscles you need to respond to life's challenges with a positive rather than negative mindset by learning how to intercept the sabotaging thoughts in your head.
Saskia de Feijter
Bullet journaling can help to banish stress and overwhelm while boosting productivity in the most meaningful way. As a Certified Bullet Journal® Trainer, Saskia will guide you through capturing and organising your thoughts, cultivating insights, and turning them into actionable steps aligned with your values. This workshop will help you process every insight you take away from Summercamp.
Kirsty Lewis
Ever wondered how some workshops engage, enliven and electrify whilst others feel a bit meh? In this session Kirsty Lewis from School of Facilitation will explain why having a clear purpose is essential, how creating ownership and safety will enable better engagement, and share a workshop framework to make it easy for you to craft your next masterpiece. Bring your workshop challenges, your ideas and lets help you leave with a strawman of a workshop!
Money Marquee
Better understand your relationship to money and how to price your worth
Krystle McGilvery
Krystle is the founder of Mind Over Money and is on a mission to break down the barriers that block financial sustainability. Using the creative financial compass technique and a role reversal exercise, Krystle will help you delve deep into your subconscious decisions, paving the way for transformative changes in your financial journey. Join us in a supportive environment to confront and untangle the financial issues you've been avoiding.
Alan Wick
As entrepreneurs and leaders more motivated by purpose than money, we can easily fall into the trap of thinking that profit is a dirty word. But if we ignore the numbers our businesses won’t survive. In this workshop, business coach and mentor Alan Wick will take us through the Quadruple Bottom Line - Profit, Planet, People and Purpose. This workshop will give us an opportunity to build a better relationship with profit, and build more rigour around our business so that we can make the impact, and income, we crave.
Gillian Caughey
Are you in a "should I stay or should I go" situation when you look at your financials? This workshop will help you work through the Persist, Pivot or Pause approach Gillian Caughy is building as the Life Coach Accountant and founder of Fearless Financials. Combining practical tips for improving cashflow with tackling the mental gremlins that are sabotaging you in the first place.
Charles Davies
Bring your money dramas. Leave loving money more.
Tribe Tipi
Learn how to nurture and grow your business and community of followers
Wolfgang von Geramb & Alison Yuen
We love helping people. But how can we help more people without losing our personal touch? Explore the answers in this fun, interactive workshop. You'll explore the balance between growth and intimacy, discover innovative methods for creating scalable, personalised experiences - the essence of growing and happy clients. Expect personal growth mapping, real-life case studies, group play scenarios and discussions. Moderated by Alison and the Wolf from The Second Mountain, a value-driven consultancy for female founders and some cool men.
Thea May
Thea is the founder of Working with Voice, and a speaking coach with more than a decade of experience. She is also a spoken word poet. In this powerful workshop Thea will offer a simple go-to structure for answering the 'what do you do' question in a concise and engaging way. No more cringe-inducing introductions. Come away from this session with a new found way to communicate what you do, starting at Summercamp!
Ellen de Vries
Take time and space to nourish your working identity, and discover new ways to express what you do. This workshop will introduce you to some lesser known storytelling techniques that can help you discover new ways to articulate what you do. From archetypes to zygotes, you’ll be conducting a range of interesting experiments to see where fresh language emerges. By the end of the session you should have a range of new words that might give other people a stronger sense of you, and your brand of you.
Vix Anderton
Learn how to cultivate hope and authenticity in the face of challenges to create positive change in the world. Vix Anderton will show you how to use a Spiral of Active Hope and authentic relating games to guide conversations that foster connection and support. By acknowledging our emotions, we can gain clarity and a stronger sense of purpose. The workshop will explore ways to increase our capacity, intention, and enthusiasm to create positive change, both individually and collectively.
Soul Café
Exploring the intersection of spirituality and entrepreneurship
Andy Chaleff
Following his talk in the main Tipi, join Andy for The Last Letter Session and embark on a journey of self-discovery, healing, and connection through the profound act of letter writing. Unearth the power of your unspoken words and discover the transformative potential of The Last Letter.
Georgina Jones
Dive Deep into the World of Love: Join Georgina Jones, the creator of the Love Shortage podcast for a heartfelt exploration of the profound nature of love. Discover how it serves as a guiding light and a powerful force in our lives. This interactive session promises a nurturing experience, offering insightful answers to your burning questions. Packed with practical tips, you'll leave with tangible ways to infuse more love into every aspect of your life.
Matthew Bellringer
How to be weird and successful
In this workshop, long-time community member and Summercamper Matthew Bellringer, a neurodiversity and innovation specialist, will take you through a playful process to turn the oddities that you hide into strengths. You’ll come away feeling more self-aware, more connected and more able to embrace all of you. May contain zombies.
Sophie Bryan
Beyond Taboo: Embracing Sexual Intelligence for Creativity
Learn how to access your sexual energy to not only enhance your life and relationships, but also to use it in your business for new perspectives, ideas and collaborations. From questioning taboos to helping you build a better relationship with your own sexual intelligence - your inner core of being a sexual human. Sophie Bryan will help you to embrace it, use it to turbo charge or rejuvenate you.
Meaningful and fun experiences in nature to let your mind and body free
“I sensed, I felt, I learned, I saw, I heard, I met, I hugged, I danced. And I still feel like there’s no words to tell you all about it. What I can say is I have not been at a festival that had this level of care, inspiration and beauty. ”
Wood-fired sauna & HOT TUB
Our wild wellbeing area is back this year with our newly built, wood fired hot tub and sauna.
Come and share the beauty of sweat bathing with the people of Summercamp. Expect Finnish whisking and a lesson in how to spa the right way.
And follow it up with a bit of wild swimming in the lake.
See you there!
Paul Diello and his 8-piece ensemble take us on a camp and colourful cruise through the decadent 80s & dance fuelled 90s that will have you dancing, crying and laughing out loud.
Mindful rave
Ever been to a rave with a cup of tea? Start as you mean to go on with a mindful morning rave. This gets bigger and better each year and we’re already looking forward to it.
Soulful singing
Singing together acts as a natural anti-depressant and is scientifically proven to improve health and wellbeing. Expect connection, endorphins and some impressive harmonies. You don’t have to be a singer to sing.
Think fast - It’s improv baby
Join Gracie and create a hive mind, explore the limitless possibilities of your imagination, and adapt to rapidly changing scenarios! Come and embrace the risk of stepping on stage with no script, nothing prepped, just you and everyone who has your back.
90’s CLUB BANGERS line dancing and more…
Easy to follow dance moves to awesome 90’s rave, dance, R&B and hip hop. What’s not to love? Tess will be hosting a session that is sure to be banging, bassy, joyful and fun. This is one not to miss, last year it went offfff...!
Summercamp is set at Frickley Lake, a natural spot for wild swimming. So whether you’ve been in the sauna, or just fancy a morning or afternoon dip, this is your chance to feel like a child again and enjoy nature at its finest.
Sunrise Service
A firm Summercamp favourite. Head out for an early Sunday morning walk led by Kim Slade from Unlost Co. You’ll be rewarded with a moment of calm before the inspiration kicks in.
breathwork and cold water therapy
It was pretty nippy last year which means you may not have made it into Frickley Lake… Cold water swimming is incredibly beneficial for the mind and body and for 2024 we have Tom Woodfin to guide us.
Join us at the Church of Fail on Sunday morning with Matt Matheson. We’ll be embracing our mistakes in this fun and high impact service.
Stick it On DJs
A democratic discotheque, Stick It On is back by popular demand. An everpresent at Summercamp, it’s where each camper gets their 15 minutes of fame to rock the dance floor. It’s interactive, engaging and fun. Think you know someone? Wait until you hear their musical taste!
Joyful resilience - feel and paint
Dive into this vibrant session where we flex the muscle of resilience. Join and discover a fun, artistic way to bolster your resilience through the expressive power of painting. Let's paint not just what we see, but what we feel!
Those who embrace the early start will be rewarded with the dawn chorus and the chance of encounters with the more secretive wildlife in Sussex. Bird mimic and wildlife expert Tom Forward will help you tune into the different bird songs and identify the species unique to this part of the country..
The antidote for a life in the music business for Julian Deane, an industry veteran and former guitarist in Toploader. An ambient, experimental project that takes us on a sound journey inspired by nature, vintage instruments and the tranquility of the Sussex Downs and beyond.
Join Jemma Ward, medical herbalist and founder of Tribe Herbs to make something medicinal out of plants. You’ll go for a little forage, find those healing herbs, and make a little bottle of magic to take home with you.
The M word
An open, collaborative session to share information, experiences & resources around the menopause. Whether you’re in it, approaching it, have no idea, or are just interested in finding out more, we want to start with open & honest conversations to normalise this often-taboo subject. Most of us have no idea how to deal with it or support those around us, so we think this is too important to ignore.
The big pub quiz
Is it a Swedish pop band? Or a piece of IKEA furniture? This is just one of the questions you may be thrown at the pub quiz on Saturday night, with our inimitable and hilarious host Stephen Dargan.
Stretch, soothe and balance your way into the day. A staple each morning at Summercamp and the perfect way to get things moving.
Chief doodler and Summercamp veteran, Dan Woodward be holding a mindful space where you can go and reflect through doodling, in silence or with chit chat.
Barista coffee at this year’s Summercamp will be served by Parm and Fran, founders of SUP. A cool Sussex-based mobile coffee company focused on supporting communities through great coffee. 10% of their sales go towards supporting local primary schools. Remember to bring your reusable cup!
Saba Therapies
With the healing hands of Annalisa Saba you’ll release some of the stress, tension and maybe trauma locked into your body. She will help free some of the negative energy you’re holding with myofascial massage and unconditional kindness.
“It’s a place where you are so safe to be the most authentic version of you. It’s like a party, therapy, a festival and lifelong friend collecting place!!”
Join us
Got question? Read our FAQs
Fri 13
9:00 - 11:00
Arrive, meet your fellow campers and get settled in
11:00 - 12:00
Opening Ceremony
12:00 - 1:00
Buffet lunch
Nutritious food from our friends at Ren’s Kitchen
1:00 - 2:40
Talks in the tipi
2:40 - 3:00
Tea, coffee & snacks
3:00 - 4:30
Across 5 learning areas:
Purpose pod
Launch lab
Money marquee
Tribe tipi
Soul café
4:30 - 6:00
Free time / activities
6:00 - 7:00
Bar opens
7:00 - 9:00
A delicious 3 course meal (including wine)
9:00 - 11.00
Live music
Open mic night
Sat 14
7:00 - 8:00
Morning activities
Yoga in the tipi
Mindful rave
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:10
Talks & idea pitches
11:10 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
Across 5 learning areas:
Purpose pod
Launch lab
Money marquee
Tribe tipi
Soul café
1:00 - 2:00
Buffet lunch
2:00 - 3:30
Across 5 learning areas:
Purpose pod
Launch lab
Money marquee
Tribe tipi
Soul café
3:30 - 4:00
4:00 - 6:00
Free time/activities
6:00 - 7:00
Bar opens
7:00 - 9:00
A delicious 3 course meal (including wine)
9:00 - 11.00
Pub quiz
Stick It On DJs
Sun 15
7:00 - 08:00
Morning activities
Yoga in the tipi
Sunrise service
8:00 - 9:00
9:00 - 11:20
11:20 - 11:35
11:35 - 13:15
Across 5 learning areas:
Purpose pod
Launch lab
Money marquee
Tribe tipi
Soul café
1:15 - 14:15
2:15 - 3:00
Closing ceremony & goodbyes
Bus leaves, departures
In a nutshell
What’s it like to be a summercamp?
Hear about the experience from some participants and speakers that were there last time